UCC Bachelor Of Arts Course, Degree In Arts At University of Cape Coast

ucc bachelor of arts

Educareguide considers it essential to brief prospective applicants on all the details of Bachelor of Arts courses in UCC.

In view of this, we will give you the full details on the entry requirements for admission at UCC for those who want to study Art courses.

Honestly, the Bachelor of Arts courses is very competitive among the humanities courses in UCC. As a result, it is the preference of many General Arts students with Wassce certificates to enrol to study this program.

First of all, let us find out what BA Arts at UCC entails. Find out about that right below.


The Nature Of Bachelor Of Arts In UCC

Now, what does a Bachelor of Arts entail in UCC?

Factually speaking, the Bachelor of Arts programme in UCC entails students’ wide range of learning experiences for students who enrol to read the program.

Indeed if you want to understand how broad the UCC Bachelor of Art course is, then look at how wide life itself is. 

Honestly, the very existence of man is dependent on the Arts.


Courses Under Bachelor Of Arts In UCC

Indeed, the Faculty of Arts in UCC offers a wide range of Art programs that you can select from.

As a result, many students, especially those who have completed Senior High School, dreaming of reading Bachelor of Art courses at UCC.

Furthermore, graduates who excel in this program at first degree may move on to read UCC Masters in Arts. 

Interestingly, there are very competent Arts lecturers at UCC to groom you to achieve a high level of competence in Art.

Now find out the exact entry requirements for WASSCE applicants from the details below.


Bachelor Of Arts UCC – Grades In Core Subjects 

Before you can gain admission to read UCC Bachelor of Arts courses, the Entry Requirements for core subjects are as follows:

  • English A1-C6
  • Core Mathematics A1-C6
  • Integrated Science A1-C6
  • Social Studies A1-C6

Despite the rand range of grades above, you must make sure to obtain the best possible grade in all your Wassce subjects.

Factually, this will enhance your chances of admission to the university.

Also, the UCC typically uses Social Studies to evaluate students that apply to read humanity courses at the university.

Coincidentally, Bachelor of Art falls under Humanity courses at UCC.

Nevertheless, you must obtain a credit pass (i.e. A1 to C6) in Integrated Science to qualify for this program. 

Now check our site for full WAEC Result Interpretation.


Elective Subjects, Entry Requirements

In Addition to the above four core subjects, applicants seeking to read Bachelor of Arts at UCC must get at least credit passes in three relevant elective subjects. 

Factually, the three relevant elective subjects must include Economics and Elective Mathematics.

Therefore, these are the alternative subjects you can apply with, if you are an Art student:

  • Christian Religious Studies – CRS
  • Elective Mathematics – E-Maths
  • Geography – Geog
  • Literature in English – Lit
  • Economics – Econs
  • Twi – Either Asante Twi or Akuapim Twi
  • Fante
  • French
  • Government
  • History
  • Elective Physics
  • Elective ICT

Now, find out the cut off points for BA Arts, UCC. 


Cut Off Point For Bachelor Of Arts, UCC

Though the university has officially set the maximum aggregate at 24, the university reserves the right to set specific cut-off points from year to year.

Notably, the specific requirements set depend on applicants’ performance and the university’s admission capacity for that particular year.

For example, the university can set the maximum aggregate for Bachelor of Arts courses in a particular year at aggregate 17.

Factually, the cutoff point for Bachelor of Arts programs for the 2022 admissions is aggregate 20. 

Now, check out the complete list of UC Programs or Courses and their cut off points from our site.


The Duration Of Study, Bachelor Of Arts, UCC

Generally, it takes four years to study most first degree courses at the University of Cape Coast.

However, the actual duration of study for a program is dependent on your entry certificate.

Thus, students who enter with Wassce Certificates will use four years to complete this program.

However, those who enter with HND or Diploma certificates will use three or Two years to complete the program.

Now find out how you can apply for admission to study Bachelor of Arts at UCC, from the list of guides below


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1 thought on “UCC Bachelor Of Arts Course, Degree In Arts At University of Cape Coast”

  1. With these results what course can I study, at the university in Ghana?
    Social Studies A1
    English c4
    Mathematics c4
    Integrated science b3
    History c5
    Twi b3
    Music a1

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