SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Scheme For Students At The University Of Ghana

src yi bi boa scholarship

The University Of Ghana offers the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Scheme to students at the University.

This guide explores all the details you need to know about the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Scheme regarding:

  • Who can benefit from the Scholarship;
  • How to Apply for the Scholarship
  • The documents you should submit to the secretariat; and
  • How to contact the Scholarship Secretariat

First, let’s look at what the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Scheme is about.


What Is The SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Scheme About

The scheme aims to provide financial support to needy and brilliant undergraduate students.

Furthermore, eligible applicants should be reading academic programs at the University.

Most often, some students at the University need help paying their fees and other educational expenses.

As a result, the University SRC collaborated with the Students Financial Aid Office (SFAO) to roll out the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Scheme to help needy students.

Remember that you should perform academically to be eligible for the scholarship aid.

Now qualifies to apply for the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship at the University of Ghana?


Eligibility Criteria For The SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Scheme

Applicants to this scholarship scheme must meet the following requirements to benefit:

  • First, you should be a student of the University of Ghana 
  • Second, you should be a regular, fee-paying, city campus or a Distance education student at the University.
  • Next, you should demonstrate that you have a financial need.

Now, let’s look at how you can apply for the Scholarship.


How To Apply For The SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship

Eligible Applicants should follow these steps to apply for the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship at the University of Ghana.

First, submit an online application Form to the Students Financial Aid Office (SFAO).

In addition, please submit the application Form with all relevant supporting documents as well.

Please respond fully to all the questions on the Scholarship Application Form where applicable. 

Notably, the scholarship office may request additional information if any response or information on your application is unclear or needs some correction.

Next, the scholarship secretariat will shortlist applicants and invite them for an interview.

After that, you will receive a notification from the SFAO if your application is successful.

Finally, the SFAO will credit your University of Ghana student account with the scholarship funds.

Now check out the supporting document you should add to your application from the list below.


Supporting Documents To Submit

Applicants should submit supporting documents to support their applications.

Please click here to peruse the list of documents you should submit to the scholarship office.

Finally, please submit any other supporting documents that will assist in processing your application.


When Can I Apply For The SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship

Notably, all applicants should submit their applications by the end of the first semester of every academic year.

After submitting your application online, you should still print the preview.

Remember to submit the printed, completed Form and other documents to the scholarship office.

Please visit the official webpage of the scholarship body to find out the dealing for submitting the scholarship application.

Now how do I contact the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship secretariate?


Contact Numbers, Email, Addresses, And Location

Here are the various ways you can contact or reach the Yi Bi Boa Scholarship Secretariat:


Location Of The Of The Yi Bi Boa Scholarship:

You can find the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship office at: Number 11 East Legon, Behind the College of Basic and Applied Sciences.


Contact Numbers Of The Yi Bi Boa Scholarship:
  • 0302-945312
  • 0303-965240
  • 0205-186904
  • 0206804077


Contact Email Of The Scholarship Office:


Address Of The Scholarship, Legon:

University of Ghana Students Financial Aid Office,

Post Office Box LG 25 LEGON, ACCRA, GHANA.


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