Chevening Scholarship For Ghana Students, Study Master’s Degree Program In The UK For Free

Chevening Scholarship For Ghana Students

This guide explores all the details about the Chevening Scholarship For Ghana students who want to study master’s degree programmes in the United Kingdom.

In this regard, we will guide you on applying for the Chevening Scholarship if you are students in Ghana.

First, what is the Chevening Scholarship, and what does it seek to achieve?


What Is The Chevening Scholarship About?

The Chevening Scholarship is a prestigious international scholarship program the UK government offers to students from various countries.

The scholarship provides opportunities for exceptional individuals with leadership potential to study in the United Kingdom.

Remember that the scholarship program targets graduates who want to pursue a one-year master’s degree in various fields of study in the UK.

The question is: “Can a student from Ghana apply for the Chevening Scholarship? Please find the answer right below.


Can A Student From Ghana Apply For For The Chevening Scholarship?

So who qualifies to apply for the Chevening Scholarship?

Indeed, the Chevening Scholarship program covers applicants from Ghana as well.

All you need is a First Degree from a reputable university.

Also, the Chevening Scholarship is for Ghanaian students who want to study Master’s Degree program in the United Kingdom.

Now let’s check how to apply for the Chevening Scholarship from Ghana.


How To Apply For Chevening Scholarship In Ghana

To apply for the Chevening Scholarship in Ghana, you generally need to follow these steps:


Check Eligibility:

First, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria the Chevening program sets, including an undergraduate degree and relevant work experience.


Choose a Course:

Second, decide on the master’s degree program you want to pursue in the UK. 

Very importantly, the course or programme should align with your academic and career goals.


Apply Online:

Visit the Chevening website during the application period and complete the online application form. 

Here, you will need to provide:

  • personal details,
  • academic history,
  • work experience, and
  • submit essays detailing your leadership and networking skills, as well as your future plans.



You’ll need to provide references from individuals who can vouch for your academic and professional achievements. 

In this regard, choose your references wisely and inform them about the scholarship requirements.



If your initial application is successful, the scholarship secretariat will invite you for an interview. 

During this process, the secretariate may interview you in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing.



When they offer you the scholarship, you’ll receive a formal offer letter from Chevening.


University Admission:

You must secure admission to a UK university for your chosen course. 

Regarding this, the secretariat recommends that you start the admission process while awaiting the scholarship results.


Visa and Pre-Departure:

Once you have your scholarship and university admission secured, you can start preparing for your UK journey. 

At this stage, you should start applying for a UK student visa and make the necessary arrangements for your stay.


Important Details To Note

Remember that the application process and deadlines can vary each year. As a result, it’s crucial to visit the official Chevening website for the most up-to-date information regarding:

  • application timelines,
  • eligibility criteria, and
  • application materials.

In as much as we constantly update the information on Educareguide, I still recommend that you either

for the most current and accurate details about Chevening Scholarship for Ghana students application process.


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