UDS Courses And Cut Off Points, Find The List Of UDS Courses And Their Admission Requirements

uds courses and cut off points

The Management of the University For Development Studies offers applicants the following UDS Courses And Cut Off Points.

Indeed, University For Development Studies is a highly reputable and dynamic tertiary educational institution.

Now, it is very necessary for students seeking admission to UDS to know the various course options available to them.

Certainly, equipping yourself with this know knowledge will aid you in making well-informed academic decisions for your career.

Surely, this guide will aid you in this regard.

Now what is the meaning of cut off point? Find the explanation of what a cut off point is below:


Cut Off Points For UDS – Entry Requirements To UDS

Now, what do I mean by Of UDS programmes and cut off points?

A cut off point is the minimum aggregate an applicant must have to secure admission to a school, university or college.

Thus, the lower the aggregate, the more chance you have of getting admission to study a course or program of your preference.

Truly, knowing the courses offered in UDS and their cut off points helps you to set a performance target for yourself even before you write your Wassce examination.

Assuredly, Educareguide has compiled a list of all UDS cut off points 2021/22 for your benefit. Therefore, you will find every UDS course and its cut off point in this article.


UDS Programmes And Cut Off Points

Now, let’s go through the complete UDS Courses And Their Cut Off Points checklist right below.

As a matter of caution, you should strive to attain the best of grades, as very few applicants get admission with the cut off aggregate.

As a word of caution, do not make the cut off point your must-get aggregate. Rather strive to get an aggregate better than the cut off point.

Certainly, the cutoff point changes from year to year, depending of the situation. You will find the List Of all UDS Courses and their minimum admission requirements for 2021/22 below:

  • BA Development Education   19
  • BEd Agricultural Science   20
  • BEd Basic Education     21
  • BEd Early Childhood Care And Education   21
  • BEd Family And Consumer Science      19
  • BEd Social Science         16
  • BSc Agribusiness        18
  • BSc Agriculture Technology         17
  • BSc Aquaculture Technology And Fisheries Science      16
  • BSc Biotechnology And Molecular Biology         17
  • BSc Community Nutrition         19
  • BSc Ecotourism And Hospitality Management       16
  • BSc Environmental Management And Sustainability          18
  • BSc Family And Consumer Science             17
  • BSc Fisheries And Aquaculture Technology            20
  • BSc Food Science And Technology         15

The list is not exhausted, as you can find more courses that UDS offer just below.


Courses Offered In UDS

  • BSc Health Information Management          14
  • BSc Medical Imaging Technology              14
  • BSc Midwifery                    13
  • BSc Nurse Anaesthesia         14
  • BSc Nurse Practitioner           13
  • BSc Nursing              13
  • BSc Paediatric Nursing            14
  • BSc Physician Assistant           13
  • BSc Renewable Natural Resources           17
  • BSc Social Change Communication            18
  • BSc Veterinary Nursing              16
  • Certificate In Early Childhood Care And Education     19
  • Diploma In Agriculture Science Education             20
  • Diploma In Agriculture Technology              20
  • Diploma In Basic Education         20
  • Diploma In Biotechnology And Molecular Biology          19
  • Diploma In Development Education       16
  • Diploma In Development Education Studies           17
  • Diploma In Early Childhood Care And Education         18
  • Diploma In Family And Consumer Science          17
  • Diploma In Social Change Communication        16

As seen above, the University For Development Studies Offers undergraduate students a wide range of programs.

Certainly, the above information reflects prevailing UDS cut off points which we will update occasionally. Therefore bookmark and stay glued to our website for any latest updates.


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133 thoughts on “UDS Courses And Cut Off Points, Find The List Of UDS Courses And Their Admission Requirements”

  1. Can I pursue physician assistant with the following
    C/maths A1
    Science A1
    social B2
    biology B2
    E/maths B3
    Chem C6
    Phy C5

    1. Asamoah Fidelia Aseda Abena

      English -C5
      Core maths -B2
      Science -B3
      Social -A1
      Chemistry -B3
      Biology -B2
      Please can I offer degree nursing, midwifery or public health all of them in degree

  2. Can I pursue physician assistant with
    English B3
    Core Maths A1
    Social A1
    Integrated science A1
    Elective Maths A1
    Chemistry B3
    Biology B3
    Physics B3

      1. Aboagye Felix

        Pls Can I offer Medilab with Social B2 Core math B2 Elective Maths B3 English C4 Biology B3 Integrated Science B3 Physics C5

  3. Aba-Eyel Brutus

    Can I apply physician assistant with Social studies A1, English B3, Core maths B2, Integrated science A1, Biology B3, Chemistry B3, Elective mathematics B3 and Physics C6

      1. Please can I apply for nursing with
        Science c6
        Maths B3
        Social B2
        English C5
        History A1
        C.R.S B3
        TWI A1 at UDS??

  4. Amponsah Edward

    English C6
    Core mathematics B3
    Integrated science A1
    Social studies A1
    Chemistry A1
    Physics B3
    Elective maths B3
    Biology C6
    Please what course can I get to offer

  5. Liticia Takyiwaa

    Can I presume public health with
    English B3
    Core Maths A1
    Integrated science B3
    Chemistry B3
    Physics B2
    Biology B3

      1. Aboagye Felix

        Social Studies B2
        English C4
        Core Maths B2
        Integrated Science B3
        Elective Maths B3
        Biology B3
        Physics C5
        Pls which health course would I pursue at UDS

  6. Pls can I read physician assistant with this grad social B2, English B3 ,core maths A1, science A1 Chemistry A1, BiologyB2 elective maths B2 , physics B3

  7. English B3, science B2 core maths B3, chemistry A1, E-maths A1, physics B3, Biology B3 social studies E8.pls can I offer physician assistant.

      1. Please but I taught they said ur best six, that is three core n three electives.But I only gone e8 for social studies.pease l need ur advise.

        1. Irrespective of using your best 6 to calculate your aggregate, you must still have at least C6 in all your other subjects to qualify for admission at any Ghanaian university.

          1. Pls I had Chemistry B3 physics C6 Biology B3 Social studies B3 English C4 Core math B3 E. Maths B3 Inter science B3 pls which science course can I offer in UDS

  8. Please I had 2A, 1B2 n 3B3.and my grade with my best six 13. But I had E8 for social studies.can I use to offer allied health courses.

  9. Please can I offer degree nursing in UDS with this grades social B3, science A1,English B2, core math A1,CRS C5, government B3, economics B3, history B2

  10. Pls can I offer midwifery with these result integrated science b3
    English c5
    History B3
    Economics b2
    Coremaths c4
    Crs c6
    Government c4

  11. Wekeim Samuel Awobawoni

    Please can I pursue physician assistant with the following results Core maths A1 English C4 Social A1 Science A1 Chemistry B3 Biology B3 Elective Maths B3 Physics C4.

      1. Pls I had Chemistry B3 physics C6 Biology B3 Social studies B3 English C4 Core math B3 E. Maths B3 Inter science B3 pls which science course can I offer in UDS

  12. Can I pursue pharmacy or medical laboratory science with these results
    English c4
    C.math A1
    Int science.A1
    Biology B3
    Chemistry B3
    Physics B3
    Social B2

  13. Please can a General Art student study degree in nursing in UDS with this grades
    Social B3
    English B3
    Core maths A1
    Science A1
    CRS C5
    History B2
    Government B3
    Economic B3

      1. Pls I had physics B3 ,English C5,science B3,maths B3 ,chemistry B2,Biology B3 social B3 pls can I offer any health program like medical lad ,any good one

  14. Apoaba Shadrach

    Can I offer physician assistantship with
    Science- B2
    Biology- B3
    Physics- C4
    Chemistry- C6
    E-maths – B3
    English- B3
    Social- A1
    C – mathematics- B3

    1. Mayiuba mayebi

      Can I offer Doctor of medical laboratory science with this grade, social studies A1, English C4 ,core maths A1 , Biology B3, chemistry B3 ,e-mathsB3 Inter.science B2 physics C6

  15. Edando Y. Joseph

    Please can I offer Physician Assistant with,
    English C4
    Social A1
    Science A1
    Core maths B3
    Chemistry A1
    E-maths B2
    Biology B3
    Physics B3, in UDS?

  16. Which of the following program can I pursue in UDS with Eng C4 Core maths B3 Social A1 Science A1 Chemistry A1 E-maths B2 Biology B3 Physics B3
    A: Pharmacy
    B: Physician Assistant
    C: Degree in Nursing
    D: Medical laboratory technology
    Thus as a regular student.

      1. Engc4
        Science B3
        Chemistry A1
        Biology B2
        Please can l offer Physician assistant regular basis

  17. pls I had
    English B3
    c maths B2
    Science C4
    Social C4
    Economics B3
    Geography C4
    e-ICT c6
    e-maths cancelled
    what course can I offer at the University

  18. Can I offer physician assistantship with
    English B3
    Maths A1
    Science A1
    Social A1
    E. maths B2
    Biology C4
    Chemistry BE
    Physics C4

      1. Please can I offer physician assistant with Eng C4 , coremaths B2, science B2, social B2, chemistry B2, biology B3 , physics B3, elective maths C4

  19. Which of the following program can I pursue in UDS with Eng B3 Core maths A1 Social B2 Science B2 Chemistry B3 E-maths A1 Biology B2 Physics B3
    A: Doctor of Pharmacy
    B: BSc in Physician Assistant
    C: BSc in Nursing
    D: Doctor of Medical laboratory technology
    Thus as a regular student.


    Please can I offer medicine with
    English B3
    Science A1
    C/Maths A1
    Social A1
    E/Maths A1
    Chemistry B3
    Physic B2
    Biology B3

  21. Please can I offer degree in nursing with the following results
    Int. Science A1
    social A1
    Eglish C4
    core maths C4
    E – maths A1
    Biology B3
    Chemisty B3
    Pysics B3

  22. Kelvin Bonsu

    Pls here is my results
    Eng – C4
    E-maths – A1

    And I got B2 and C6 in Social and physics respectively
    Pls can offer nursing /medical laboratory with my results and if yes which of the course above can I get admission easily

      1. Kelvin Bonsu

        Pls i mistakenly used 22nd June instead of 21st June for my wassce registration
        Pls which of the dates should I use when filling the online admission forms
        The one on my birth certificate is 21st June and I mistakenly used 22nd June for the wassce
        Pls I need ur advice

        1. It is better if you use the 22nd of June to fill out the Online Admission Form. But very importantly, you should Swear an Affidavit to change your Date of Birth at the University after gaining admission.

  23. Kelvin Bonsu

    Pls the cut off point for degree nursing last year was 14 and pls as u can see from my results I had aggregate of 15
    Pls can I get admission as a regular student if I apply for degree nursing with an aggregate of 15 as a science student?
    Pls if not which of the allied health courses can I offer as a regular student with grade 15 with a pure science background

    1. Honestly, there is still a possibility that the University can admit you with an aggregate of 15. However, for safety reasons, you qualify to read this Science program:
      BSc Biotechnology And Molecular Biology. The cutoff point is aggregate 17.

  24. pls i offered General Arts and these were my grades
    Eng Lang C6
    social std B3
    Core maths D7
    Int science F9
    Govt C6
    Economics C6
    CRS C6
    Geography C6
    Pls can I apply for BSC Ecotourism and Hospitality Management?

  25. Pls can I offer degree nursing with the grades below science b2,core math c6, English c4, social a1,gov b3, economic c6, french c6

  26. Asamoah Ronald

    Can I offer medical laboratory science with chemistry c6, physics c5, e-math c4, biology B3, c-math A1, science A1, social b2, English c6

  27. Can I offer medicine fee paying with
    C maths A1
    Science A1
    English A1
    Social À1
    E maths A1
    Biology A1
    Physics B2
    Chemistry B3

  28. Dorvi Anthony Deladem

    Please I had
    English C6
    Physics C6
    Chemistry C6
    Core maths C5
    Biology C4
    Elective maths C4
    Science B2
    Social studies B3
    What science related course can I offer or any course

      1. Eng C5
        Science C5
        Maths A1
        Social A1
        Biology C4
        Economics B3
        Foods And Nutri A1
        Management A1
        Pls can I offer human resources management

  29. Can I read Human Resources management with the following results
    English C5
    Mats C4
    Science B3
    Economics B3
    Geography B3
    Government B2

  30. pls i had
    Core maths A1
    English A1
    Science A1
    Social A1
    Phyics C5
    Chemistry A1
    Biology B3
    Elective maths E8

    Pls what science related course can i offer?

  31. Pls can i offer medicine as fee paying with these results;
    Social B2
    English B3
    Core maths A1
    Int.Science A1
    E-maths B3
    Biology B2
    Chemistry B2
    Physics B3

    1. Please can I pursue physicians assistant or medical laboratory science with this results English B3, core mathematics A1, social studies B2, science A1, chemistry A1, physics B3, elective maths C5, biology C6

      1. Greatwise Owusu Agyemang

        Please can I pursue into medicine with
        English. C4
        Physics. B3
        Biology. B2
        Social. A1
        Core maths A1
        Elect.maths A1
        Chemistry. A1 and
        Int. Science A1

  32. Pls can I offer medicine with this results at UDS

    English B3
    Integrated science B2
    Social A1
    Mathematics A1
    Biology A1
    Chemistry A1
    Elective Maths B3
    Physics C4

  33. Please I had English c4, physics c5, biology b3, E maths b4, inter science b3 , core maths b3
    Please can I offer nursing fee paying

  34. Cristal Gyasi

    Please can I offer bsc. Nursing in UDS with these grades
    English B3
    Social B3
    Science B2
    Core maths A1
    Econs B2
    Gov A1
    E maths A1
    History A1

  35. Samuel opoku

    Pls can I offer medicine with this results at UDS

    English B3
    Integrated science B2
    Social A1
    Mathematics A1
    Biology A1
    Chemistry A1
    Elective Maths B3
    Physics C4

  36. Opoku Francis

    Pls can I offer pharmacy with this results at UDS

    English B3
    Integrated science B2
    Social A1
    Mathematics A1
    Biology A1
    Chemistry A1
    Elective Maths B3
    Physics C4

  37. Please can I offer midwifery in uds with
    English C4
    Integrated science B3
    Core maths C4
    Social studies B2
    Biology B3
    Chemistry B2
    Physics C5
    Elective maths C6

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