Does TTU Accept D7, Do I Qualify For Admission At Takoradi Technical University With D7

does ttu accept d7

Does TTU Accept D7 as an admission requirement? Thus, check out the answer to this lingering question below.

So, does Takoradi Technical accept D7 to admit students to the university?

First, you must realize that every university has its unique academic entry requirement for admission.

For this reason, Takoradi Technical University is no exception.

If that is the case, what minimum grade should you obtain in WASSCE to gain admission into TTU?

Assuredly, you will find the answer below.


Does Takoradi Technical Accept D7 As Entry Requirement

Indeed, the National Council For Tertiary Education Permits TTU to admit students with D7 in the Wassce examination.

Thus, applicants who have completed Senior High School qualify for admission into TTU with D7.

According to WAEC Result Interpretation, D7 is a pass.

For this reason, Technical Universities accept D7 for its admission requirements.

The entry requirements that the NCTE imposes on TTU differ from that of regular universities.

When I mention regular universities, I’m referring to universities like those below:

  • University of Ghana – UG
  • University of Cape Coast – UCC
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology – KNUST
  • Central University College
  • Valley View University – VVU, etc

Notably, bear in mind that the list includes both public universities in Ghana and private universities in Ghana.


Does TTU Accept E8 And F9?

Does T Poly accept E8 and F9? 

Indeed, like D7, TTU does not accept E8 and F9 for admission by WASSCE applicants. 

The last grade that TTU accepts for admission is D7.

For this reason, even if you get A1 in all other seven(7) subjects and get either E8 or F9 in only one issue, you cannot still gain admission to TTU.

Sincerely, it is as straightforward as that.

Remember that the National Council For Tertiary Education – NCTE – has imposed these policies on TTU.

Also, this is to ensure TTU conforms to specific international standards.

Indeed, I hope we have addressed all your concerns on whether TTU accepts D7.


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78 thoughts on “Does TTU Accept D7, Do I Qualify For Admission At Takoradi Technical University With D7”

    1. Please am l technical student will l gain admission with this result please
      Office practice and administration – credit
      Economics and Entrapreneurship- credit
      Business law- credit
      Financial accounting – fail
      Mathematics- pass
      Integrated science – credit
      Social studies- credit
      English language- pass

  1. Ayitey Jennifer

    Please can I gain admission with the following grades
    Literature: D7
    Please alert me if I can gain admission in you noble institution and what program can I offer with the grades

  2. Please can I gain admission at your noble institution with the following grades?
    Core maths……………E8
    Elective maths………..F9
    Building const…………C6
    Technical drawing…..C6
    Wood work …………….C5
    Social studies…………..F9

    Please reply me if I can gain admission with your noble institution and which program can I offer .

  3. Francis Angmor

    Please let me know if I can get admission with the following grades
    English D7
    Core maths D7
    Science C6
    Graphic design B3
    G K A. B3
    Social C6
    Music D7
    Basketry D7

  4. Emmanuel nyanteh

    Please do I qualify with the following grades

  5. Belinda Armah

    Can I offer computer science or Btech in information technology or HND in ICT with the following results in TTU?

    Maths C4
    Science c4
    English C6
    Social B3
    CRS B3
    Geography B3
    Econs c5
    Government C6
    And please what’s the closing date for admission

  6. Owusu Richmond

    Pls can I get a HND in building technology with my grade at T.T.U
    Elective maths C4
    Core maths B3
    Economics c6
    Social studies C5
    English C6
    Government D7
    Geography F9
    Science F9

  7. Ayitey Jennifer Yaa

    Good morning ,Please Ho Technical University(HTu ) has started admitting students so I want to know the day Takoradi Technical University (TTu)will be starting admitting students
    Thank You

  8. Ayitey Jennifer Yaa

    Good morning
    I’m Ayitey Jennifer Yaa
    an applicant of Takoradi Technical University (TTu)but I haven’t received any sms and when I checked the admission list too its has been written no data available so am worried about it
    Please any help
    Thank You

    1. Applied Electrical A1
      Social A1
      Technical drawing B3
      Core math B2
      English D7
      Physics C4
      E math E8
      Int Sci C5
      Please will I get admission

  9. Ayitey Jennifer Yaa

    Good morning
    So when is TTu publishing it because we need to start preparing ourselves
    Please try to alert me when is published on 0592034298 or email me on
    Thank You very much.

  10. English :c6
    Core maths: c6
    Please can I offer Dispensary technology

  11. English E8
    Science. D7
    Social D7
    Math. D7
    Econs E8
    Graphics D7
    Leatherwork C4
    GKA B2
    Please will I get admission

  12. Manasseh Adjabeng

    Please can I get admission with this grade,
    Eng D7
    Maths D7
    Science C6 n Social C6
    Govt C6
    Crs C6
    Econs C6
    Pls can I get admission,
    The results is both wassce n novdec combined, pls help me know the course I will be admitted with this grade.

    1. Pls can I gain admission with the following grade
      Social studies:E8
      Core maths:D7
      Food and nutrition B3
      Management in living:E8
      Pls let me no if I can get admission and the program I can offer

  13. Manasseh Adjabeng

    Pls when finished filling de forms, is the endorsement by force? Or can I submit without endorsement?

  14. Chris Ampomah Mensah

    Eng C6
    Social C6
    Core maths C6
    Science D7
    History C4
    Econs C5
    Lit D7
    Twi D7
    Can I gain admission with this results please?

  15. Ayitey Jennifer Yaa

    Please I have been admitted at TTU and we will be reporting on the 1st October but am hearing some rumors that we will report on the 7th January,2022 so is it true

      1. English D7
        Social studies B2
        Mathematics (core) D7
        Integrated Science B3
        Chemistry D7
        Biology C5
        Physics C6
        Elective Mathematics D7

        Can I get admission with this results please?

        Please do

  16. Manasseh Adjabeng

    Please my friend reporting date on his admission letter is 1st November but my own is 1st October, and I hv been hearing dat we will start on the day they will resume from vacation, pls help me to know the actual date we will report to school

  17. Adotey Clement

    I had science C5 core math B3 English E8 history B3 elective math C4 geography C4 please can I admitted in takoradi TTU u can contact me 0555756243

  18. Please can I get admission in your institute with these grades
    English D7
    Science D7
    Social D7
    Maths E8
    GKA C6
    Ceramics C6
    Graphic design B3

  19. Please can I get admission has mature students with these grades
    English D7
    Social D7
    Maths E8
    Science D7
    GKA C6
    Graphic design B3
    Ceramics C6

  20. Priscilla Andoh

    Pls can i get an addimission at college of education :
    Maths c4 Science B3 social B3 English D7 economics c5 French B2 Geography B3

  21. Social studies C4, English C4,Core math C4, Science B3, Economics C6, Geography C5, Government D7, Elective math F9

  22. Ransford cudjoe

    Please can I offer BSC. In medical laboratory/Catering, hotel and institutional management or HND in medical laboratory/Catering, hotel and institutional management with these grades
    Integrated Science-D7
    Social Studies-C5
    Food and Nutrition-B3
    General Knowledge In Art-C5

  23. Social e8
    Maths(core) b3
    Science b3
    Technical drawing b3
    Building construction A1
    English b3
    Maths elective c4
    Physics e8 pls will I get admission

  24. English D7
    Social studies B2
    Integrated science B2
    Mathematics (core) D7
    Physics C6
    Biology C5
    Chemistry D7
    Elective mathematics D7

    Can I get admission with this results please?

  25. Please can I offer degree in mechanical engineering with is grades social: C:6 , English:D7, Mathematics:C6, Science:C4, Economics:C6, G.K.A:C4, Graphic design:A1, Sculpture:B2

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