UON Enterprises And Services Limited, UNES

uon enterprises and services

This guide will provide information about the services and enterprises that UON operates, i.e. University of Nairobi’s commercial units.

What is UNES, and what do they offer to the University and the public at Large?

UNES is the Commercial unit of the University of Nairobi with the responsibility of teaching entrepreneurial and best business practices at the University.

It provides Institutional and Research consultancy, Professional training, and Product Innovations in several thematic areas. Moreover, UNES provides Bookstores, Hospitality, and Financial Management commercial activities to the University and the general public.

Now let us look at some of the services offered by UNES


Arziki Restaurants

The Arziki Restaurants are located on the Main and Chiromo Campuses of the University of Nairobi. Both Restaurants are open to the public and provide delicious meals at competitive prices.

The restaurants also offer catering services for programmes outside the University.


UNES Bookstore

The UNES Bookstore is a significant business component of the UNES Limited and the largest bookshop in East Africa. It has branches in Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu.

It serves the University of Nairobi, Universities in Kenya, and other institutions across the country and beyond.


UNES Consultancy

The UNES Consultancy unit is tasked with conducting consultancy business within the University for income generation. It also provides consultancy services to other public and private sectors and non-governmental agencies.



The University of Nairobi Eye Centre provides excellent eye care to people from all walks of life, and it’s the premier Eye care institution in Kenya.


The Dental Plaza

The UNES dental plaza is one of the Enterprises And Services that UON operates.

In this regard, the  UNES dental plaza provides dental maintenance and a variety of cosmetic enhancements to its customers.


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