UCC Percentage Of Fee, The Part Payment Of Fees To Make Before You Register At University Of Cape Coast

UCC Percentage Of Fee

UCC Percentage Of Fee – The Management of the University of Cape Coast allows you to pay a certain percentage of your fees, before they can register for the semester at UCC. Thus, you can find the details of this arrangement below.

The question that borders the mind of many students of the University Of Cape Coast (Both Current and Prospective), has been the minimum UCC Percentage Of Fee they should pay before they can proceed with their registration.

Surely, never worry because we will answer this question perfectly for you. Let’s look at some brief background information that you must have.


Brief Information

The University Of Cape Coast – UCC understands that not every student will have the financial capacity to pay his/her fees in full. For this reason, the institution has established an arrangement for students to pay their fees in installments (i.e., bit by bit).

Furthermore, this arrangement has reduced the financial burden on many students, who but for this intervention, will defer their programmes or courses.

Now, the question is, how much of the University Of Cape Coast fees percentage should I pay before I can register? Educareguide has provided the answer below.


The Percentage of Fees You Should Pay Before You Can Register


Percentage Of Fees For Ghanaian Students

For Ghanaian Students, you should pay a minimum of  60% of the UCC Percentage Of Fee for your Academic Registration before you can register for the first semester courses.

Also, for Ghanaian residential students, you must pay a minimum of 50% of your Residential Registration Fees before enjoying the university’s residential facilities.


Percentage Of Fees For International Students

For international Students, you should pay 50% of the UCC Percentage Of Fee your Academic Registration fees, before you can register for the first semester courses.

Also, for international residential students, you must pay a minimum of 50% of your Residential Registration Fees before enjoying the university’s residential facilities.


When Should The Rest Of The Fees Be Paid?

You can pay the rest of the fees in a reasonable installment amount throughout the first semester. However, you must ensure you finish the final payment of your fees before the start of the second semester.

This is important for you to have access and register for the second semester. If you do not pay your fees in full by the commencement of the second semester, the registration portal will not open for you to register for your second-semester courses. The summary of fees and percentages is given below.


Part Payment Fees Structure Of University Of Cape Coast – UCC.

The Percentage Of Fee To Pay has been summarized below:

Student Category

Academic Registration

Residential Registration

Ghanaian Students



International Students




Important Things To Note

Please take note of the following information regarding the payment of your fees. Thus, Before you pay the Percentage Of Fee To Pay, at least you must know the following:

  • Do not deposit a cheque at any bank for payment of your fees. Therefore, all fees paid at the bank should be made with physical cash.
  • Also, students can pay their fees through electronic payment platforms that the university accepts. Please, contact the university to find out.
  • Furthermore, International Students can also use Visa Card and MasterCard for their payment.
  • Fourthly, all cheque payments should be made only at the University Of Cape CoastCash Office.
  • Finally, fees can be paid at all GCBbank branches and branches of ADB Bank.


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2 thoughts on “UCC Percentage Of Fee, The Part Payment Of Fees To Make Before You Register At University Of Cape Coast”

  1. Prosper Kpakpa

    Please I filled my application form for 2021/2022 academic year but wrongly type my contact 0243759575 instead of 0243759475.
    Please any help

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