Medicine Course At Moi University, Bachelor Of Medicine And Surgery Moi University

medicine course at moi university

This guide gives you all the details you need to know about the Medicine Course At Moi University.

Indeed, all interested candidates or applicants seeking admission to the University can now proceed and read along to know about the medicine courses offered at Moi University and the requirement.

First, let us find out whether Moi University offers Medicine as a program for Undergraduate students.

Please find all the details right below.


Does Moi University Offer Medicine Courses?

The simple answer is yes. For this reason, those who passed the KSCE and other related Examinations can always apply to read these programs at the University.

Interestingly, we found out that the University runs the following degree course in MEDICINE for students.

  • Bachelor of Medicine and 
  • Bachelor of Surgery


Study Duration, Moi University Clinical Medicine

The course shall be full-time and extend over six academic years, 204 weeks.

The University spreads the 204 weeks by over 30 weeks for the first and second years.

Furthermore, it also spreads the 36 weeks each for the third to the sixth year of study, totalling 8,160 hours.


Moi University School Of Medicine Entry Requirements

Candidates or applicants who wish to study for a bachelor of science degree in Medicine shall meet the University minimum requirement.

Interestingly, there are several Certificates you can apply with to enter Moi University to read Medicine.

Now find out these options of certificates right below.


KCSE Applicants, Medicine At Moi University

First, you can apply with a KCSE certificate. In this case, you should obtain a Mean Grade of B+ at KCSE: B plus in Biology and B plus in each of these subjects:

  • Chemistry
  • Maths
  • Physics
  • Kiswahili
  • English or 

Remember that you should have a Weighted Cluster Point of 39 and.

Indeed, this is mandatory if you use the old JAB weighted cluster formula.


A Level Applicants, Medicine At Moi University

Secondly, A’ Level applicants must have principal passes in these subject areas:

  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Either Maths or Physics

Significantly, it would help if you had a credit pass in English at the O’ level.


Other Related Certificate Applicants, Medicine At Moi University

Apart from the above, applicants holding Diplomas, BSc & Masters Degree Holders qualifications can also apply to read Medicine at Moi University.

Very importantly, you should take a critical note of the following information before applying.


Notice To Applicants, Medicine At Moi University

Importantly, applicants should consider the following before you apply:

  • First, those with qualifications other than those stated above must have their results evaluated by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) and its Equivalence well-declared.
  • Proficiency in English
  • One-page personal statement indicating their motivation to apply for the program


Cluster Point for Medicine In Moi University

You qualify to read the program when you get at least B(minus) in the requisite subjects areas that you studied.

Nevertheless, please realize that every Moi University course has a cluster point, and thus, a Bachelor of Science in Medicine is no exception.

Therefore, the current general cluster point for Medicine courses at Moi University is 46.


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