Does UPSA Accept D7 – Detailed Explanation On Whether You Can Get Admission With D7 At University Of Professional Studies Accra – UPSA
“Does UPSA accept d7″ to admit students to the University Of Professional Studies Accra”?
You will get every answer you seek right here at Educareguide.
First, you must realize that every university has unique admission entry requirements for different levels and programs.
As a result, UPSA is no exception. That is why you must be aware of the grades that UPSA accepts from undergraduate programme applicants.
If that is the case, what minimum grade should you obtain in WASSCE to gain admission to UPSA?
Indeed, you will find the answer below.
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Is D7 Accepted at UPSA For Degree Course Admission?
First, WAEC is the official examination body for Secondary School examination in most West African countries.
Thus, WAEC administers and certifies Senior High School students in Ghana, who then apply to UPSA.
According to WAEC Result Interpretation, D7 is just a pass.
Meanwhile, what is the National Council For Tertiary Education – NTCE – policy on D7?
NTCE does not permit Degree awarding institutions in Ghana from accepting D7 for its admission requirement into undergraduate programs.
The minimum grade or the worst grade you must get to gain admission to UPSA is C6.
Interestingly, this is because C6 is a credit, while D7 is just a pass.
As can be seen, the UPSA does not accept D7 as an admission requirement.
Is E8 And F9 Accepted In UPSA?
Now, let’s answer the question – does UPSA accept E8 and F9?
Similarly to the issue of D7, UPSA does not accept E8 and F9 for admission into the university.
The last grade that UPSA accepts for admission is C6.
For this reason, even if you get an A1 in all other secondary school subjects and get either D7, E8, or F9 in only one subject, you cannot still gain admission to UPSA.
Sincerely, it is as straightforward as that.
Indeed, I believe this answers your question of, “Does UPSA accept D7?”
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