Aeronautical Engineering At UON, Find Out Whether The University Of Nairobi Offers The Program Or Not

aeronautical engineering at uon

In this guide, we will find out if you can read Aeronautical Engineering at UON, the University of Nairobi, or Not. Thus you will know if the University offers Aeronautical Engineering to applicants seeking to read an Aviation course.

We will also examine which other Universities in Kenya offer Aeronautic Engineering.

Before we proceed, let’s find out what is Aeronautic Engineering below.


What Is Aeronautic Engineering?

Aerospace Engineering or aeronautic engineering is the field of engineering that deals with the development of aircraft and spacecraft.

Prospective candidates may study the programme at the diploma, bachelor, masters and PhD levels in various universities worldwide in the aerospace departments.

Now let’s find out if UON offers an Aerospace Engineering programme to prospective candidates.


Does UON Offer Aerospace Engineering?

As stated above, aerospace engineering studies in some universities in the world.

Obviously, an Aeronautical Engineering At UON will be very great news for prospective applicants who have an interest in such a field.

Unfortunately, the University of Nairobi does not offer the Aerospace Engineering programme.

However, other notable Universities in Kenya offer Aerospace Engineering programmes to prospective applicants who want to study the programme in Kenya.


Which Universities Offer Aeronautic Engineering In Kenya?

The following are the universities in Kenya that offer an Aeronautics Engineering programme.

  • Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Nairobi)
  • Egerton University (Nakuru)
  • Kenya Armed Forces Technical College (Nairobi)
  • Kenyatta University School of Pure and Applied Sciences (Nairobi)
  • Kenyatta University (Nairobi)


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