Wassce Core Mathematics June 2019 Paper 2 Question10(a)

Wassce Core Mathematics June 2019 Paper 2 Question10 (a)

“Wassce Core Mathematics June 2019 Paper 2 Question10 (a) – Answer” is an e-learning material we have prepared online.

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Now let’s concentrate on the solution to the WAEC June 2019 Core Maths Paper, Question 10 (a) for wassce students.


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Click here to read more   [expand title=””] Wassce Core Mathematics June 2019 Paper 2 Question10 (a) – Answer is an e-learning material we have prepared online.

This learning resource has been designed to help students to pass their Core Maths WEC exams. I must however, make it known that we may not always provide a pdf download of this wassce past question.

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Firstly, we have a lot of links to assist you to get enough details.  Truly, this will help you to gain enough knowledge and understanding to answer your waec maths past question.

Secondly, we have materials on various topics, sub-topics of Ghana Education Service (GES) core mathematics.

Therefore, educareguide is very helpful to  Senior High School Student across the West African sub-region.

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In detail, check the questions and the answers just below.  [/expand]


Question10 (a) Core Mathematics June 2019 Paper 2 

In a class of 50 students. 24 like football, 21 basketball and 18 cricket. Six like football and basketball only, 3 like basketball only. 5 like all the three. games and 14 did not like any of the three games.


  1. Illustrate this information on a Venn diagram.
  2. Find the number of students who like:
    1. football and cricket only;
    2. exactly one of the games.

The Answer to Wassce Core Mathematics June 2019 Paper 2 Question 10 (a)


n(U)= 50 , n(F) = 24, n(B) = 21, n(C) =18,

n(F n B only) = 25, n(B only) = 3, n(F nB nC) = 5, n(F u B u C)’ = 14

Let n(F n C only) = x, n(B nC only) = y n(F only) = m, n(C only) = b


(i) The Venn diagram is shown below.

U (50)







(ii) From set B: 6+5+3+y= 21

14+ y = 21

y =7


n(C)+m+6+3+14 =50

18+m+6+3+14=50 nz + 41= 50

m =9


From set F:

m + 6+5 = 24

9+x+6+5 = 24 x+ 20 = 24 x =4


From set C: x+5+ y+n =18.

4+5+7+b=18 b+16=18 b = 2


(a) The number of students who like football and cricket only

From the above calculations the answer = 4

(b) The number of students who like Exactly one of the games

= 9+3+2 = 14


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