WAEC Leak The Identity Of Examiners On Social Media

WAEC Leak The Identity Of Examiners

It very surprising to know that WAEC  will leak the identity of Its examiners on social media.


WAEC Leak The Identity Of Examiners

In fact, why is it surprising to find out this action? First, WAEC has always protected the identity of its examiners over the years.

Indeed, educareguide believes that, examiners identities were protected in order not to expose them to students, parents and the public. Why is it risky to expose the identity of examiners to the public.


The Risk Of Exposing Examiners Identity To The Public

Imagine that your details as an examiner is leaked to the students. Meanwhile these are the same people you are going to mark their script.

Truly speaking, I know students and parents will begin to contact these examiners and try to compromise them in anyway possible.

Secondly, it will not surprise me that, even some people will issue threats to some examiners in many ways to do their bidding.

Thirdly, some students would even be willing to offer some monetary and sexual favors to examiners to entice them to give them marks. Indeed, there are many other ways students can compromise examiners.

Now, why will WAEC leak the identity of its examiners on social media. 


What Could Account For The Leakage

The 2020 WASSCE examination is more of becoming a political football between the ruling NPP and the opposition NDC.

Due to the Free SHS policy, there is a lot that these two main political parties stand to gain, should the performance of the students go in either ways.

Therefore, if the students pass, the ruling government would be vindicated.

However, if the candidates fail, the opposition will also score some political points. Truly, partisan political contest is destroying the lives of the future generation of Ghana .

Well, we live to see the future implications on the productivity of the nation, if partisan politics must decide everything in Ghana. 

Nevertheless, it is possible that, some employees of WAEC leaked the identity of the examiners, without an officialdom endorsement.


Surprising Incidences In The 2020 WASSCE

There are many incidence happening in the 2020 WASSCE examination. First, some students attacked WAEC officials who went about their duties.

Furthermore, some students rained attacks and insults on the president after the Integrated Science paper.

Also, there has already been leakages in many of the 2020 WASSCE exams papers. Obviously, this does not speak well of the WAEC and the 2020 WASSCE examination.


As a matter of fact, something needs to be done about the WAEC. Definitely, a better system must be in place to ensure the sanity of the examination.

Already, the African Education Watch has proposed that, the WEAC monopoly should be broken.

Educareguide has also proposed that, the state should do some reforms about Junior and Senior High School Examination in the country to reduce these unwarranted situations.


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2 thoughts on “WAEC Leak The Identity Of Examiners On Social Media”

  1. Please can I get admitted to a category A with grade 24 (English 3
    Science 4
    Maths 7
    Social 2
    RME 4
    ICT 4

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