Percentage Of Fee To Pay Before You Can Register For The Semester In The University Of Ghana

Percentage Of Fee To Pay

The Management of the University of Ghana determines the Percentage Of Fee To Pay Before You Can Register for the semester or academic year. Indeed all the details of the Fee percentage are given below.

Educareguide considers it very important to brief you about the fee-paying arrangement of UG-Legon. 

Undoubtedly, many Legon students wonder how much fees they need to settle before they can register for the semester. 

Do not worry; we will answer this question precisely for you. Now, let us look at some brief background information you must have.


Legon Fees Part Payment -Its Benefit To Students

University of Ghana: UG Legon understands that only some students have the financial capacity to pay their fees in full.

For this reason, they have established an arrangement for students to pay their fees in installments.

Interestingly, this arrangement has reduced the financial burden of many students, who might not have been able to register for the semester without this intervention.

Now, the question is, how much of the University of Ghana fee percentage should you pay before you can register? Educareguide has provided the answer below.


Legon Fees Part Payment Arrangement For Ghanaian Students

For Ghanaian Students, you should pay at least 60% of your Academic Registration fees before registering for the first semester courses.

Also, for Ghanaian residential students, you must pay a minimum of 50% of your Residential Registration Fees before enjoying the university’s residential facilities.

Remember that residential fees only apply to students using the university’s residence hall.


Legon Fee Part Payment Schedule For Ghanaian Students

For international students, you should pay a minimum of  50% of your Academic Registration fees before registering for the first semester courses.

Also, for international residential students, you must pay 50% of your Residential Registration Fees before enjoying the university’s residential facilities.

Likewise, this residential fee only applies to students using the university’s residence hall.


When Should The Rest Of The Legon Fees Be Paid?

You can pay the rest of the fees in a reasonable installment amount throughout the first semester.

However, you must ensure that you finish the final payment of your fees before the start of the second semester.

Here, you need to have access and register for the second semester. I

You must pay your fees in full by the commencement of the second semester to ensure the registration portal opens for you to register for your second-semester courses.

We have given the summary of fees and percentages in the table below.


Part Payment Fees Structure Of the University Of Ghana – UG Legon.

Now, this is the Percentage Of Fee you should Pay:

Student Category

Academic Registration

Residential Registration

Ghanaian Students



International Students




Other Things To Note About Legon Fees 2020/2021

Please take note of the following information regarding the payment of your fees.

Before you pay Legon fees, at least you must know the following:

  • Do not deposit a cheque at any bank to pay your fees. Therefore, you should pay all your fees at the bank with physical cash.
  • Use only the Fees Deposit slip to make deposits at the bank.
  • Ensure you correctly write your student index number and name on the Fee Deposit slip.
  • Make sure that the account name is always the University of Ghana.
  • Also, you can pay your fees through electronic payment platforms such as Mobile Money (MTN and Vodafone)
  • Furthermore, International Students can also use Visa cards and MasterCards to pay their fees.
  • Fourthly, you should only make cheque payments at the University of Ghana Cash Office.
  • Finally, you can pay your fees at all Ecobank and Standard Chartered Bank branches.
  • Click HERE to find out the list of other banks at which you can pay your University of Ghana Fees.


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