UOE Bank Account Numbers, University Of Eldoret Account Details For Fee Payments

uoe bank account numbers for students

Very importantly, students of the University of Eldoret should know the UOE bank account numbers to pay all fees at the University.

Also, You must know these UOE bank account details irrespective of the category of student you are.

Indeed, we’ve provided UOE Bank Account Numbers to pay all your fees at UOE. 

Therefore, check out the UOE account details below.


UOE Bank Account Details

If  you are a student of UOE, then use the following  bank account details to pay your fees at the University of Eldoret:


Bank Name:

Account Name:

Account Number:

National Bank of Kenya Ltd



Cooperative Bank of Kenya Ltd



Equity Bank Ltd



Kenya Commercial Bank Ltd., Uganda Road Branch




Before you pay your fees at OUE, take the notice below into consideration.


Key Notes To Students

Follow these instructions when making fee payments:

  • First, make sure that the bank account details you have entered are correct;
  • Second,  remember to put your student reference number on the payment slip when you are making a payment.
  • Next, you will receive a notification when the University receives your payment.
  • If you do not receive confirmation of the payment, contact the University using the contact details below.


University of Eldoret Contact Details

If you want to contact the  University, then use the details below:

Phone Numbers:

+254(0) 788 232 004 (VC Office)

+254(0) 740 354 966 (VC Office)

+254(0) 774 249 552 (DVC ASA)





Sincerely, my advice to you is that you should keep copies of your UOE payment receipts to serve as evidence of payment.


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