ACCA Global Headquarters provides the exam dates and timetable for all the papers you will write this year. Thus, the information below gives complete details of the date and time for all ACCA exam papers in 2023.
Indeed, as a professional accounting body, ACCA continues to conduct examinations for members across the globe every year.
Hopefully, we all believe there wouldn’t be a change in the regular ACCA exam dates and schedule for 2023 as covid-19 is no more a global emergency, as the WHO has declared.
Interestingly, it is refreshing to note that the ACCA schedule has remained unchanged over the past two years, as members still write the exams in March, June, September, and December.
Congratulations to the Governing Board of ACCA for remaining focused and resolute over the years to benefit professional accountants across the globe.
Now check out the details of the 2023 ACCA timetable below.
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ACCA Exam Timetable 2023 and 2024
Thus, ACCA members can write their exams as scheduled at all the ACCA branches worldwide.
As things have been going smoothly over the years, the ACC exam timetable for March, June, September and December 2023 will go as planned.
Assuredly, we will keep you posted with any new development and changes if they occur in the 2023 ACCA exams timetable.
With this in mind, will we not change the ACCA exam timetable? The details of the ACCA exams timetable and schedule are just below.
ACCA Exam Timetable Attendance Dockets
ACCA Global provides a detailed exam timetable worldwide for your respective time zone.
As a result, you may log in to your attendance dockets and find the ACCA exam dates 2023, peculiar to your specific region in the world.
Otherwise, here in this guide, you have full details of the ACCA exam dates and times for 2023. Thus, check out the ACCA dates for all the papers 2023 below.
Also, the ACCA exams timetable is available in your Dockets for download.
Thus, you can download the Acca exam timetable 2023 from MyACCA.
Undoubtedly, the Acca exam schedule is the ACCA membership portal or student portal approximately two weeks after standard entry closes.
ACCA Student Login Portal
You may login to the ACCA membership login portal using the link given above.
You can log in using your ACCA Exam Attendance Dockets or MyACCA back office login.
Sincerely speaking, it is a virtual platform for every student or member of ACCA.
Check the March 2024 Timetable for ACCA students worldwide from the details below.
ACCA March 2024 Exam Dates – Timetable From 4th To 8th March 2024.
The March 2023 ACCA Exams will start on 4th March 2024 and end on 8th March 2024.
Excitingly, the ACCA exam dates March 2023 were conducted very smoothly during the period.
The March ACCA exam dates 2024 will take place in all ACCA accredited centres, branches, and affiliates worldwide.
Sincerely, we wish all those who wrote the Acca exam in March 2024 the best of luck.
Now, check out the ACCA March 2024 Time Table and schedule below:
Monday 04-03-2024 |
Tuesday 05-03-2023 |
Wednesday 06-03-2023 |
Thursday 07-03-2023 |
Friday 08-05-2023 |
Audit and Assurance (AA) |
Taxation (TX) MYS, SGP, UK |
Performance Management (PM) |
Financial Reporting (FR) |
Financial Management (FM) |
Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) INT, IRL, SGP, UK |
Advanced Taxation (ATX) MYS, UK |
Advanced Performance Management (APM) |
Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) INT, IRL, UK |
Advanced Financial Management (AFM) |
Strategic Business Leader (SBL) |
Advanced Taxation (ATX) MYS |
Corporate and Business Law (LW) MYS, SGP |
The above March 2024 ACCA exam dates are for all students worldwide. Next on the list is the 2023 June ACCA timetable, which is just below:
ACCA June 2023 Exam Dates – Timetable From 6th To 10th June 2023.
For all students worldwide, the ACCA June 2023 exam dates will start from the 7th of June 2023 to the 11th of June 2023.
Indeed, the Acca exam dates June 2023 will occur at all ACCA accredited centres, branches, representatives, and locations worldwide.
The ACCA exam dates below are for other people across the world. Below is the detailed schedule for the June 2023 ACCA exams.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Audit and Assurance (AA) |
Taxation (TX) |
Performance Management (PM) |
Financial Reporting (FR) |
Financial Management (FM) |
Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) |
Advanced Taxation (ATX) |
Advanced Performance Management (APM) |
Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) |
Advanced Financial Management (AFM) |
Strategic Business Leader (SBL) |
Advanced Taxation (ATX) CYP, HKG, IRL, MLA, MYS, SGP |
Corporate and Business Law (LW) |
Now, you just saw the ACCA timetable for June 2023. Now, Let’s look at the ACCA exams dates for September 2023.
June 2023 ACCA Time Table – Foundations And Niche Exams Timetable From 6th To 10th June
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Foundations in Taxation (FTX) |
Foundations in Financial Management (FFM) |
Foundations in Audit (FAU) |
Technician Role Simulation (TRS) |
Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) |
ACCA September 2023 Exam Dates – Timetable From 4th To 8th September 2023
The ACCA September 2023 exams started from 4th September 2023 to 8th September 2023.
Therefore, ACCA Students write the ACCA September exam papers at all ACCA accredited centres, branches, representatives, and locations worldwide.
Monday 04-09-2023 |
Tuesday 05-09-2023 |
Wednesday 06-09-2023 |
Thursday 07-09-2023 |
Friday 08-09-2023 |
Audit and Assurance (AA) |
Taxation (TX) MYS, SGP, UK |
Performance Management (PM) |
Financial Reporting (FR) |
Financial Management (FM) |
Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) INT, IRL, SGP, UK |
Advanced Taxation (ATX) UK |
Advanced Performance Management (APM) |
Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) INT, IRL, UK |
Advanced Financial Management (AFM) |
Strategic Business Leader (SBL) |
Advanced Taxation (ATX) MYS |
Corporate and Business Law (LW) MYS, SGP |
From the above, you will realize that the ACCA timetable for September 2023 has all the information on all the papers you will write. Now, Let’s look at the ACCA exams dates for December 2023
ACCA December 2023 Exam Dates – From 4th to 8th December 2023 – Here Is It
Indeed, the ACCA exam timetable for December 2023 started from 4th December 2023 to 8th December 2023.
Thus, members will write the ACCA December 2023 exam dates papers at all ACCA accredited centres, branches, venues, and locations worldwide.
Honestly, it would help if you realized that despite the covid-19 pandemic, the ACCA exam dates in December 2023 are still the same.
Also, this means that the ACCA December exam dates are unchanged. Now here is the ACCA December 2023 timetable.
Monday 04-12-2023 |
Tuesday 05-12-2023 |
Wednesday 06-12-2023 |
Thursday 07-12-2023 |
Friday 08-12-2023 |
Audit and Assurance (AA) |
Taxation (TX) |
Performance Management (PM) |
Financial Reporting (FR) |
Financial Management (FM) |
Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) |
Advanced Taxation (ATX) |
Advanced Performance Management (APM) |
Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) |
Advanced Financial Management (AFM) |
Strategic Business Leader (SBL) |
Advanced Taxation (ATX) CYP, HKG, IRL, MLA, MYS, SGP |
Corporate and Business Law (LW) |
You just saw the ACCA timetable for December 2023. Now, let’s look at the ACCA exams dates for Foundations 2023
ACCA December 2023 Exams – Foundations And Niche – From 4th to 8th December 2023
The ACCA December 2023 Foundation exams started from 4th December 2023 to 8th December 2023.
Once again, members will write the Acca December exam papers at all ACCA accredited centres, branches, representatives, and locations worldwide.
Also, the examining body designed the Acca exam date, December 2023, with flexibility. Thus, the authorities make the Acca timetable for December 2023 with the student’s comfort in mind.
Also, the Acca December 2023 timetable has specific details for every time zone worldwide.
Regarding December 2023 Acca exam dates, check out the details below.
Monday 04-12-2023 |
Tuesday 05-12-2023 |
Wednesday 06-12-2023 |
Thursday 07-12-2023 |
Friday 08-12-2023 |
Foundations in Taxation (FTX) |
Foundations in Financial Management (FFM) |
Foundations in Audit (FAU) |
Technician Role Simulation (TRS) |
Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) |
Most importantly, you should note that all other Foundation-level exams are available when you demand them, CBE only.
ACCA Exact Exam Start Time
Very importantly, you will find specific exam start times in particular countries and regions available for download from your Exam Planner.
Also, you can do the same from your ACCA exam dockets.
As I indicated earlier, it is only the time that will change from region to region, as the dates remain unchanged.
Thus if you are good at time zone conversion, you can do the conversion yourself here.
Surely, Educareguide will promptly update you if there is any change in the ACCA Exam dates for 2023.
Thus, you subscribe for notifications by clicking on the notification button on our page.
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Reference: ACCA GLOBAL
Great article, very impressive.